I’d like to take this auspicious date to share a few things; first, it’s the 38th anniversary of the Watergate break-in! Second, it’s my sisters birthday and also, two of my co-worker’s birthdays, and also, my co-worker’s friends’ birthday, of whom I’m not acquainted but my co-worker mentioned it. And lastly, it’s the wedding anniversary of my “FBI buddy ol’ pal!” A funny little story of how I and my FBI pal met: about 12 years ago I was a bartender—yeah, I know it’s predictable, but I was. And one fine bartending day, two dapper gentlemen dressed in swell looking suits saddled up to Harry’s Bar & Grill in Century City--when Harry’s used to be there. I thought nothing of it, other than “those are two fine looking distinguished gentleman.” That day my niece was mooching free drinks off me at the bar and so we struck up a friendly conversation with the distinguished gentlemen. One fellow was drinking Grolsch—a fine Dutch lager and the other fellow was drinking a Stoli martini, straight up. So went the conversation as I remember…
Fine looking Gentleman #1: “So, are there any fun dance clubs or bars close by?”
Niece: “Yeah, there’s ‘put trendy bar name here’ across the street.”
Fine looking Gentleman #2: “Do we look dressed appropriately?”
Bartender: (Laughs) “You look like a couple of Federal Agents!” (Bartender laughs again.)
And that was “the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” I don’t know why the words “Federal Agents” came out of my mouth, it just happened, and before I realized what I was saying, the two of them were laughing hysterically. They didn’t tell me until Wednesday (they came in on a Monday night) that they were FBI (they’re supposed to keep a “low profile” haha!) but they came in every day after work for drinks and appetizers, and we caught on like a house-fire talking about this and that, nothing political or anything about what their job was, just casual fun talk about things like where to get good cigars, good drinks, food, and sights to see in Los Angeles.
Ever since then I’ve kept in touch with one of them and we’ve been drinkin’ buddies ever since, emailing or visiting if he’s in town. “A fine gentleman indeed” all these years later. Today’s his 38th Wedding Anniversary and I’d like to raise my glass of New Belgium’s “Mighty Arrow” Pale Ale in his honor. We may live on opposite coasts, but we’ve remained pals. Here’s to you on your Anniversary Dave! Here’s two Irish Blessings on your special day:
May God be with you and bless you.
May you see your children’s children.
May you be poor in misfortunes
And rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
from this day forward.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains that fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
“To your health!”
"But to tell you the truth, the brothers make me cook stew and stuff all day...but they don't give me money for fresh ingredients." --Nacho Libre
About Me

- J.J.
- TARZANA, CA, United States
- Hello food, wine & beer pals! Welcome to my photo-journal of food, wine and beer adventures. I'm pictured on the right and my home brewing pal, Aron is on the left. Years ago I started watching the Food Network, saving recipe's, making recipe's, trying new things, tasting new things, and it's all blossomed from there, including the weekly tastings (beer & wine) at BevMo. I'm hooked on variety and continuing my search for tasty goodness all over the world. Please feel free to email me with comments and ideas at FoodieWinonBrew@yahoo.com Bon Appetito!
What a great story! :D